1.Connect Haagen-dazs, Polo ralph Lauren, Rolex, Buxton, Slazenger,Lanson.
2.Binary representations, base thirteen, tibetan monks are all complete nonsense.Whose words are these.
3.“Give me your tired, your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…" where will you find this etched?
4.What is special about the following sentence: "I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications incomprehensibleness".(trust your fingers)
5. Code for this six sigma service. Name the service.
*6.In silicon valley lingo, what is "ladder bypass"?
*7.What are bells and whistles software ?
8.What anachronism can be found in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?
9.Unscramble the sentence ‘we have guts’ to get the name of a famous cricket player.
On what occasion was this Absolut Ad released.Name the number associated with it.
*11.In the history of the 'time' magazine,printer's devil has troubled on very rare occasions.one of such,perhaps the most terrible,happened when one of queen's children was born.what was that? 12.What are the common features of the computer virus - cascade virus, falling tears,autumn leaves? 13."Love your job, but never fall in love with your company because you never know when company stops loving you” whose pearls of wisdom?
*14.Classical computation bit is the numeral in binary notation, i.e. 0 or 1. In the new field of quantum computing eigenstates of any two level system (i.e. up and down spin state of photon) provides a representation of 0 and 12 and is defined as......
*15.She is considered to be a Natalie Imbruglia look-alike. She speaks native French and has American citizenship. She was formerly a lawyer in the American firm Schulte roth and Zabel. She is also a talented singer but has been rejected by record companies since she has an infamous uncle. Name her.
16. Connect: Isaac Asimov, Osama Bin Laden & a sci-fiction novel?
17.Why is Rama named so in "Rendezvous with Rama" ?
18.Metro Goldwyn Mayer trademarked its lion's roar way back. Which other American company has also trademarked another special sound peculiar to its business ? 19.Which word is derived from the name of Greek goddesses who used to attract men through music ? 20.Tourism Time:Which nation advertises itself as '99% fun and 1% land' in tourist Ads? 21.yummy!Which brand of coffee was "good to the last drop" according to the advertisement?
22.In the children’s books, whose favourite food is “haycorns”?
23.What can be an industry, a cheese or a loaf?
24.(Food for thought)
Whose famous ad slogan was- “ The Milk Chocolate melts in your mouth. Not in your hands“
*25.The idea was spawned by Michael Vasos, the owner of Just Around The Corner, a French bistro in north London. Mju in Knightsbridge, central London; Lanes in east London; and Sweet Melinda's in Edinburgh - have copied the idea. What is the USP of these restuarants?
26.Intel offered $10000 reward on eBay in 2005 for an original copy of Electronics Magazine dated 19 April, 1965. Reason?
27. If 1 year is a paper anniversary 2 years is a cotton anniversary what is the name associated with 15th anniversary?
28.A sitter to end with:
Identify this lady on the right side.
Bonus Question: 8,5,4,9.? what number proceeds the series. credits:pickbrain
1. no probs if he lost French Open.. he'll win this one.
2.Is that a question or an answer :P
3.she saw the WTC go down.
4.,indistinguishableness could that be the next word..
12. crazy guess -> some recurring virus?
13. NRN, of course
25. Pay only if u feel the food, service was good.
28. Certainly not a sitter. Mirza.
Bonus: 0
good one. :)
Bad attempt on my part.
3. Statue of Liberty
4. the number of letters in each word keeps increasin as an arithmetic progression with a =1 and d =1 . (:P)
8. Existence of clocks !! ( Barrons ) Nice one [:)]
Lost enthu .. nice work :)
Thanks for this Sania Mirza photo.. :D !!
i want to create a "yepedidhan ipadi yosichangalo" quiz.give some ideas.
3. On the statue of liberty.
9. Steve Waugh
13. Narayan Murthy
15, Osama's niece. Don't know the name :P
19. Seduce?
20. Bahamas?
21. Nescafe
28. Sania, of course! :)
where can i find the answers?
Thanks a lot!
28.it is definitely a sitter .....sania mirza